Thursday, June 13, 2019

AbleVenture 2019 Cruisin' to Cozumel

I want to live in a world
Where we are free to be ourselves, 
Boldly, honestly, fiercely
As if it were the only option
Because it is the only option
When we are ourselves,
We open a door
Inviting everyone around us
Even if they are only in our presence for a moment of time,
To wear their skin like a trophy
No matter how quirky or odd
Embracing our differences
As unique and proud as the stars

The environment we create for ourselves should inspire the people around us
By welcoming strangers into our hand-crafted reality,
A safe haven,
We encourage them to invite others
Their friends,
Their families,
And all the people we encounter

I am part of Camp Able because Camp Able reflects the kind of world I want to live in.
A world where our perceived flaws are celebrated in the sun
Where the status quo is destroyed,
Buried in the past

When we are true to ourselves
The rest of the world will know
As we offer out an open hand,
A smile,
A warm light
Join us
Honor yourself
Your roots,
Your bones, and your blood
Anything else would be a disservice to your soul

I am part of Camp Able because I want the world to heal the way Camp Able has healed me.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Mission Statement:

To serve and support people from all walks of life, promoting love and understanding by sharing stories through various mediums to connect humanity. 

© Unapologetic
Maira Gall